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Rosendin Rosendin

Los Angeles, CA

Central Region Elementary School No. 19/William R. Anton Elementary

Project Summary

Since its completion in 2010, the William R. Anton Elementary School has been used by Los Angeles Unified School District as a prototype for small urban sites that accommodate 50-60 classrooms. Built on 3.2 acres of severely sloping topography the site presented many challenges. The campus was designed vertically, ranging from two to four stories throughout consisting of 51 classrooms, a library, multi-purpose center, cafeteria, health offices, playgrounds, ball fields, an Early Childhood Education Center and an underground parking garage, totaling over 100,000 square feet. The facility was constructed to meet the Collaborative for High-Performance Schools standards and includes features such as passive solar shading and recyclable metal panels.


Central Region Elementary School No. 19/William R. Anton Elementary

LA Unified School District used this project as a prototype for small urban sites with 50-60 classrooms

Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Unified School District
General Contractor
Pinner Construction Company, Inc.
Nadel Architects, Inc.
35 Months
140,000 SF

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