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Rosendin Rosendin

For Trade Partners

  • For Trade Partners

For Trade Partners

Rosendin’s prequalification program is active with Highwire. At every stage of the capital project lifecycle, we collaborate with partners to mitigate the safety, finance, quality, and sustainability risks that determine success or failure.

Are you a subcontractor interested in being considered for Rosendin’s future projects? Click the Registration button below to let us know.

Are you a subcontractor who has been invited to bid or who has been awarded work by Rosendin? Click the Prequalification button below.

Modern building
modern interior


Why does Rosendin use Highwire?

To improve our contractor prequalification process, Rosendin Holdings has implemented Highwire to assess and mitigate key areas of safety & financial risk for all trade partners. This system will support the maintenance of required qualification information and ensure this data is current and available to support bids.

How does Highwire work?

Subcontractors are required to answer questions and upload documents that fulfill Rosendin’s prequalification requirements, as well as the requirements of hundreds of other GCs and owners. These requirements include financial statements, insurance information, safety manuals, OSHA 300A forms, and more. For a full list of documents, see Highwire’s checklist.

Highwire’s algorithm identifies safety strengths and weaknesses and reports these findings. As improvement in safety performance occurs, company ratings improve.

How can my company enroll with Highwire?

For subcontractors interested in being considered for Rosendin’s future projects: 
Complete Registration here.

For subcontractors invited to bid or currently working on Rosendin’s projects:

  1. Visit
  2. If you have a profile in Highwire, sign in and follow the steps to add Rosendin as a Hiring Partner.
  3. If you are new to Highwire, choose the option to sign up and go to step 2.
  4. Gather the necessary documents to make the enrollment process faster.
  5. Complete the questionnaire and upload the documents when prompted.
  6. For help during enrollment and/or for questions about using HIghwire, contact support:
    1. Phone: 866-817-2210
    2. Email: [email protected]
  7. For pricing information, see Highwire’s Contractor Partner Pricing.

Why should I update my company profile?

Information in your profile should be updated regularly to reflect positive changes to your safety program and your financial health. If the initial safety rating is low at the time of enrollment, you can boost your rating by updating your Safety Programs and supplying missing documentation. The system will tell you what is needed to increase your rating.

Who do I contact for questions about Highwire?

Application: For Questions regarding the use of the Highwire application, please contact Highwire Support at [email protected] or by phone at 866-817-2210.

Enrollment: For questions regarding the enrollment that should be directed to Rosendin Holdings, please contact the Supplier/Subcontractor Program Management team at [email protected] or [email protected].

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